we would like each of you to contribute $4.00/- ONLY for Mr.Elvin surprise birthday celebration (cake) by TOMORROW, FRIDAY. Please give it to Aisyah, President of HC or Amirul, Manager of Event Planner.
Thank you.
P/S: No worries. Mr Elvin do not know my blog. Hehe.
♥ 8:25 PM
Hello readers! I'm back!! (:
Oh my, it feels like as if I've been Missing In Action for quite a looooooooong time, isn't it? Mhh... well I didn't go for the performances today, was sick. So I really do not anything in mind right now on what to blog... so... yah.. The performance was at Suntec. Have to report at ITE Simei for a fast trial because some human beings back-off and then off to Suntec at 10am. But eventually the performances start at 9PM!!Funny or what?! But still I really wish I was there right now :( There go off my 40 dollars.........
I'm so gonna find a job soon! Real soon & I MEAN it! I've yet to pay my hp bills which have shooted up till $160+++. Tsk. And also starhub cable tv, you know. I'm so angry to myself for anyhow insert new channel for nothing. Abang is so blardy happy cause it is NOT him who gonna make the payment but it's ME instead! And I'm so loooooong to go SHOPPING!!!!!! I've a long shopping list, you know. Dad is not gonna sponsor me ever again :( pasal I'm sucha a spendthrift. A BIG one. Lol. So I guess I have to work my ass out, on my own, for now onwards. :'(
P/S: Will update more whenever I feel like, hehe.
♥ 7:00 PM
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Watch and laugh [:
♥ 3:23 AM
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri:)
I didn't spent the previous night cleaning the house but instead, I watched The Doll Master, Magnificent Warriors & Dating Vampire. Lols! Sungguh tak keperempuan langsung. Okay, maybe I'm not pretty excited with this year raya. Maybe only. Because because because......
Anyway we first cabbed to my pupu's house located at Bishan. It is so damn hard to cab a taxi especially at my area. Yelah mentah-mentah aku tinggal situ.... Kurangasam, terlebih gula. Ya we are so rich that every house we went, we took cab. Why? Cannot meh? Mom's money what. Hahaha. Tak baek ey.
Brotherrrr, motherrr & me.
Mind the unglam faces. -_- So pay no matter to this.
I LOVE YOU, EMAK. My beloved Mom & Dad :) Like father like son. Gerekkkkk pah!
My aunty Bibah's parrot. Meet Miki. She's cuteee & can be very perangai too. Tsk. With aunty Mel. In case you're wondering, she's a Philipino. Dad & his' side; aunty Bibah.I had hard time & was so stressed up on how to deal with this don't-know-what-it-called thing. Dummyyy. This is Nenek Soya Bean. Hahahaha. Remember the one I told ya? Non-stop remix?? Hahaha. They are my favourite kecohness bunch. We giggled over every possible joke that any of us could think of, bonded like crazy, laughed at each others & anyone's stupidity. Coolshyt!!! :D The very last & foremost, we went to my dad’s side of the cousins. It doesn’t get any different every year, because I’m not close to any of them. So when either they come to my open house or I went to theirs', it feels nothing... no excitement at all because we do not talk other than they kept asking me the same questions on my personal life every year on Hari Raya without fail. It is totally not a wrong thing to ask as I know it will help to break the ice between relatives & start a conversation which may help us get closer... but criticism is definitely not a necessary thing to include. Dad mati-mati want to walk back home from Vista Point. Yes, walk.Goshhhh! He said it might help me shred some pound. Lols! Unfortunately on the way back, my heels broke. Betul punya takda timing. ): So terpaksa la anak dara gemok ni jalan bare-footed. -________- Well, this year Raya wasn't as fruitful as i think it could be like last year. But I think we had a good time, my family and I. (:
♥ 4:14 PM
Friday, October 3, 2008
Good morning world.
First of all, CONGRATZ to Hira & Eazy pasal they passed their HPO exams. IHT dapat 'A' or whatttt? Hahahaha. I thought the paper was so difficult, no? yes? Mhh. I'm so disappointed on myself pasal I forgot my eportal password again :( Dymn dymn dymn. As the result, aku takda no mood nak upload pichassss.
&&&&&&&, I so gonna attend Kak Nameera's wedding on... (don't know when) -___- Cuci mata yok! Hehehe, kidding.